Welcome to the Queer Relationships Project. The goal of this project is to make stories, models, practices and tools for queer relationships easily available and accessible. These are organized in the two sections of this website: the Resources Archive and the Oral History Project.
Read more about the Queer Relationships Project in our About page
Find out more about the terms we use in our Glossary page
This website launched on July 30, 2014. We are constantly adding new resources and updating the different sections of the website. Please help us grow by sending in your favorite queer relationships resources and stories.
Join our Facebook group for quick sharing and discussions of related topics
For all inquiries and to get involved in the project visit the Contact page. email us at info@queerrelationships.org
Upcoming presentations and talks:
- June 28, 2015 (2:00PM EST): Radio interview for Out.fm on WBAI Pacifica Radio 99.5FM for their Pride edition. Live stream here or listen any time here (the segment in titled 'TK7 Polyamory')
- July 15, 2015 (7:00 PM EST): Presentation at the BGSQD (The Bureau of General Services - Queer Division) - New York's queer bookstore and cultural center (located inside the LGBT community center on 208 West 13th street, New York NY 10011). Details here / Facebook event
- July 31, 2015 (7:00 PM GMT): Presentation at the Common House in London (Unit E, 5 Pundersons Gardens, Bethnal Green, London, E29QG). Details here / Facebook event
(posted: June 18, 2015)
April 18, 2015: Join us for a presentaion of the Queer Relationships Project and discussion at the 9th NYC Anarchist Book Fair. 5pm at the Garden Room at Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, New York NY 10012 (posted April 4, 2015)
October 11-13, 2014: this website will be down during these dates for upgrades done by our host server (posted: October 1, 2014)
August 16, 2014: Join us at Pervers/Cité in Montreal, Canada, for a presentaion of the queerrelatinships.org project and discussion about queer relationships. Details here